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International Association of Refrigerated Warehouses

The International Association of Refrigerated Warehouses (IARW) came into existence in 1891 when a number of conventional warehousemen took on the demands of storing perishable food and soon realized the increased challenge and complexity of operating temperature controlled storage facilities.

IARW's goals and activities have broadened considerably over the years. Today, in addition to collecting information and encouraging the exchange of ideas, the association aggressively promotes more efficient distribution services, aids members in adopting new technology, advises members of legislation and regulations affecting the food industry, assists members in complying with U.S. and international regulations, and participates in alliances with industry and international organizations having a common interest in the safe and efficient flow of food products around the world. All active members of IARW are also members and beneficiaries of the work of The World Food Logistics Organization.

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